How did Intermarché manage to increase media effectiveness by combining contextual targeting and cross-domain determinist IDs?

Publié le 29 April 2024

Intermarché has tested the combination of semantic contextual targeting and media retargeting using a deterministic ID solution for its acquisition campaign. The advertiser is thus countering the challenges posed by the disappearance of third-party cookies for the targeting and measurement of its digital campaigns.


With the rapid evolution of digital advertising and the recent disappearance of third-party cookies, traditional advertising targeting strategies have been called into question. This transition marks a major turning point for advertisers, requiring rapid and innovative adaptation to maintain the effectiveness of their digital advertising campaigns.

Aware of these challenges, Intermarché has tested various cookieless targeting solutions. Contextual semantic targeting proved to be one of them. The idea was to determine whether adding media retargeting could boost the performance of its contextual campaigns. The aim was to increase the average exposure rate per Internet user, which is naturally low for contextual campaigns, in order to generate a higher rate of recall and engagement.


To measure the contribution of media retargeting, an A/B test was carried out. Two campaigns were set up:

  • A 100% contextual campaign
  • A contextual campaign + universal IDs using First-ID


The collection rate for universal IDs was excellent, reaching 60% compared to the usual 40-50% for third-party cookies in similar scenarios.

While the 100% contextual campaign generated an excellent site arrival rate, the addition of media retargeting via FirstIDs increased this KPI by over 22%. This improvement translated into a significant reduction in the cost per visit and a marked increase in the final conversion rate.

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