Weborama introduces CDP Start, the Customer Data Platform tailored for SMEs and startups.

Publié le 5 October 2023

Built on Weborama’s advanced technological infrastructure and offering all the features of a powerful next-generation CDP, CDP Start handles a smaller volume of data, enabling pricing tailored to players with limited Tech & Data resources.

With its new CDP Start offering, Weborama provides an advanced and accessible solution that fully leverages all the major features of a CDP – collecting and unifying customer data from multiple sources, both online and offline – to create a unique, consistent, and comprehensive view of each customer. With limited data volume collected, advertisers can benefit from a turnkey and financially attractive solution that can evolve to support the growth of startups or SMEs.

Leveraging Weborama’s technological infrastructure, CDP Start centralizes personally identifiable and behavioral data from website or app browsing, exposure to marketing campaigns, customer flows, and data partnerships. It enables advertisers to activate their own audiences and create targeted and personalized marketing campaigns.

CDP Start offers small and medium-sized businesses the opportunity to leverage a powerful tool to manage their customer data while relying on a team of experts.

« For SME and startup clients, CDP Start ensures close support tailored to their size, thanks to a strong team of Data and Marketing experts. This is a significant advantage for companies prioritizing their local market, while also having the assurance of scalable technology that adapts to their growth.»

Mykim Chikli, CEO EMEA, Weborama

Why CDP Start is Already Beneficial for YourArt ?

As the first art + tech platform dedicated to all art lovers without distinction, launched in May 2023, YourArt’s main goal is to quickly increase its visibility among art enthusiasts, artists, galleries, and collectors.

« We wanted to have a powerful and accessible tool that aligns with the scale of our young company, YourArt. It is imperative for us to significantly increase our reach and quickly onboard users into our CRM database.»

Laurence Bonicalzi Bridier, CEO, YourArt

Weborama’s CDP Start was deployed in just two weeks and was ready a month before YourArt’s official launch. Thanks to it, YourArt can now:

  • Benefit from a 360° view of its members and users.
  • Enhance the entire user journey: customer retention, acquisition of new customers, reducing churn rates, website journey personalization, campaign automation, improving customer loyalty, and tracking the ROI of all marketing and advertising activities.
  • Have all of this data and information available and accessible to create business use cases (customer insights, ad and marketing activation, effectiveness measurement, customer relationship, etc.).
  • Have a true customer knowledge hub for the entire company.
  • Build its independent and long-term autonomous data asset.

Just a few weeks after its launch, YourArt was already able to personalize and manage the consumer experience and optimize its Media & Marketing mix through highly granular user insights.


Launched in May 2023 by Maurice Lévy, YourArt is the first comprehensive digital ecosystem dedicated to all art lovers without distinction. Challenging conventions, this immersive, open, and inclusive art + tech platform offers a new way to experience art through the latest technological innovations.

ABOUT WEBORAMA, The Data Intelligence Platform

Weborama provides cutting-edge consumer knowledge solutions based on highly reliable and scalable semantic analysis technology that enables businesses to drive growth while streamlining their marketing costs. Built on semantic AI, Weborama offers a combination of technologies, data, and expertise. Learn more at weborama.com

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