Goldenfish, Weborama’s answer to the cookieless world

Publié le 22 June 2018

Weborama, a pioneer and major player in Adtech, both in France and internationally, announces the launch of its contextual semantic artificial intelligence engine. This solution, combining performance and respect for the internet users, enables brands to run advertising campaigns in a cookie-free, ID-Less world.

GoldenFish is the culmination of 10 years of R&D investment by Weborama in the fields of artificial intelligence, automatic language processing, contextual semantic analysis and data management.

GoldenFish is based on a unique methodology that identifies and analyzes the content read by Internet users, and creates qualified, scored audience segments, without cookies or IDs, that can be activated in all the market’s DSPs (demand side platforms) and on all browsers.

Weborama thus provides an operational response to the cookie-free world that seems to be emerging for digital advertising. GoldenFish complies perfectly with Google’s “Privacy Sandbox” standards, insofar as it does not use cookies, email addresses or identification to display web users’ centers of interest.

Numerous advertisers in the entertainment, cosmetics, banking and insurance, FMCG, publishing and press sectors are already using GoldenFish. The results of their campaigns have demonstrated the competitiveness and effectiveness of this tool.

« Our solutions are now fully adapted to a world without third-party cookies, from our contextual targeting, which draws its strength from Weborama’s more than ten years’ experience in semantic artificial intelligence, to our database, which will make the transition to a cohort-based qualification system rather than an individual-based one. » Alain Lévy, CEO, Weborama

« We have developed a “cookieless” product that respects privacy and is based on semantic artificial intelligence. The solution has been deployed with numerous players in different sectors, and has proved its effectiveness, with excellent results: coverage, repetition, visibility, clicks, and even performance (acquisition costs). This “privacy by design” approach is an important step towards sustainable digital advertising that is both respectful of the individual and effective. » Mykim Chikli, CEO EMEA, Weborama

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